Thursday, October 29, 2015

Raw Vegetable-Creamy Cucumber Side

In this recipe I took a cucumber of about one pound and cut off both ends and then cut in half the long way. I then took the one half of a semi-circle and I cut thin slices of cucumber off. Once this was done I placed it into a colander. I then diced an onion into small diced pieces and placed it into the colander along with the cucumber. I then shook in a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar into the veggies. I then rinsed them and dried them off with a towel.

IMG_20151014_142645418.jpgIn a separate bowl I placed 2 tablespoons of rice wine vinegar, and one teaspoon of sugar and stirred them until the sugar was completely dissolved. I then added plain greek yogurt, freshly chopped dill, and a little bit of salt into the mixture. I placed the dry vegetables into the creamy mix and mixed until it was completely covered. I covered the bowl and placed in the fridge overnight to get the full flavors to sink in.

I didn’t like this recipes taste. I didn’t enjoy any of the ingredients inside of it, and I didn’t like the texture to it. All the other people who tried it said that it was really good. I personally didn’t enjoy it. What I had trouble with was making sure that the cucumbers were cut very thin and cutting the onion. Overall this was a fairly easy recipe.

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