Thursday, October 1, 2015

Country Fried Chicken

The first thing  I did was started to quarter up my chicken. I cut up the thighs, legs, wings, and breasts. I put the gizzard, neck, back bone, and heart in a separate bowl for a later recipe. After that was all cleaned up I started to mix my braising batter. I used buttermilk, cream of tartar, Cajun, salt, and pepper. I put the meat in the bowl and let it sit overnight.

The next day I started my dry batter witch included flour, salt, and pepper. After that was done I preheated my oven to 325 degrees and my skillet to 350. I filled my skillet a 1/4 of the way up with vegetable oil. I then pulled my chicken out of the wet batter and put it in the dry batter that I just made up. After the dry batter I put it in the skillet and cook till gold brown. After it was golden brown I put it in the oven for 12 minutes. I used my thermometer to check the temp of the chicken to make sure it is 165 degrees.


  1. Connor,
    You need to included your evaluation of how the product looked/tasted/etc.

  2. Connor,
    You need to included your evaluation of how the product looked/tasted/etc.


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