Thursday, October 29, 2015


(on phone)

This recipe was for a "Chopped" inspired game. We all made the same dough, but you had to top it with your choice of toppings and sauce.

We started with our dough. Once it was all made up, I put it on the pizza pan and spread out the dough. I made a nice crust by pinching the edges around.

Next what we did was cut up zucchini in half moons. We then minced up some garlic too. I put the garlic into a bowl along with the olive oil with some salt and pepper.

We then took humus and spread it over the dough as the sauce for the pizza. I don't like humus that much, so I added a little bit of cheese to the sauce.

Then we marinated the zucchini in the oil and garlic and I arranged them neatly around the dough.

I sprinkled one more layer of cheese then we put it in the oven until the cheese browned and the crust.

To be honest, I was surprised about the taste of the pizza. I thought the dough was fantastic, and the humus was so good with the zucchini.

I would recommend this for vegetarians, since it is really good and no meat! Or for anyone actually! This is a really healthy pizza and it tastes good too!:)

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