To start off we had to of course wash our hands and I had to pull back my hair.

The first thing we did was make the crust for the quiche. For the crust we needed flour. salt, lard, and cold water. We actually doubled the recipe and made the soft pie crust at the same time.

We mixed the flour and salt together in a bowl. Once it was mixed together we cut in the lard. We used a tool for this called a pastry blender. Once we got all the lard mixed in we sprinkled some water to moisten the dough. We then used our hands to form two balls. Once the balls were made we used the palm of our hand to flatten the ball into a disk. I got out a rolling pin and put a sleeve over it. Then we grabbed a towel like object to lay down and we floured it. I used my hands to move the flour all around the towel. Then I took my rolling pin and rolled it around the towel. Once this was done I then grabbed the disk and started rolling it out. Once to the front, then to the back, then left, and right. Then I repeated that until it was big enough to fit into my pie pan. I took the towel and folded it in half and then in half again so my dough was about a fourth of the pie pan. I then set it in the pan to unfold it. Once it was all nice and neatly in the pan I took a butter knife and started to cut off the extras off the side so that there was only about an inch left. Then I used my thumb and forefinger to make design on the crust top.

The next days we got all our eggs out for it and I beat the eggs and at the same time I was also cooking bacon to put into the quiche. Once the bacon was all cooked I added my cheese and bacon to the eggs and put it in the oven.
When it was done cooking we let it sit for awhile.
Once it was cool I took a bite out of it. I tasted amazing, and I liked the taste of it besides the crust. I feel like the crust kind of ruined the taste for me. It just wasn't the best. The presentation of my quiche was awesome. It looked really nice compared to some of the other ones.
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