Tuesday, December 1, 2015


For starters I loved this recipe all in all. The pie was very rich and sweet with a crispy crust and sweet Meringue. Getting it to this point though was not easy. First I did the pie which required me to mix together the flour and salt separate and then cut in the lard using our pastry blender. With this I blended the flour and lard until the flour stuck to the lard. Next I added the water and blended that mixture until they’re were pea sized pellets of the lard and flour that could easily stick together and not fall apart like nothing. Following that I made two balls of dough. I proceeded to get flour down on the table along with putting flour on the roller and pastry cloth. This way nothing would stick. Continuing, I put this rolled out dough into the pan and cut the edges till there was about an inch of dough overhang so I could fold the dough over to make my outer crust. Lastly I pinched the crust to made it more appeal and then put it in the oven for 10 min at 425 degrees.
Next I had the pudding for my pie which was a bit more tricky than you’d think. To start off I got all my ingredients ready before I truly began because reactions in this recipe tend to happen rather fast. So to begin I separated the egg yolks from the egg whites cause I needed the egg whites for my meringue. Next in an unheated saucepan I combined my sugar, salt, and cornstarch. I also added in some cocoa powder because since I didn’t have squares of chocolate I had to convert that to cocoa powder and vegetable oil. So as I stirred the mixture I added in the milk and the vegetable oil. Once I did this I began to heat the mixture on a low heat. I was mixing it, with the whisk, until thick and bubbly which took me longer than expected. As I was heating though I continuously scraped the bottom of my pan with my whisk as to prevent my mixture from sticking and burning. Once it was finally thick and bubbly like I needed I temper the egg yolks by adding a cup of the hot mixture to them then adding the yolks and chocolate to the pan. After heating the whole mixture for a few minutes longer I removed it from the heat and added in my butter and vanilla. Finally I poured the thick mixture into the pie crust and top it with the meringue.
Now for the meringue I had a bit of a new and different approach. I started by beating the egg whites until frothy. Once this happened I added in the vanilla and cream of tartar.Next I incoparated the sugar to the mixture and mixed it. Now with this you have to mix the meringue until soft peaks form. Once the peaks formed the meringue is added to the pie and spread across. Once the pie is all ready you bake it for 10-12 minutes at 350 Degrees until browned,then let it cool for 4 hours.The pie was very sweet and rich, but the richness of it is what made it almost too much considering you can’t have very big portions. The pie was also smooth and thick in texture with the crust being crisp. the meringue however was light and airy, but I thought it tasted too much like the egg and not as sweet as I had hoped. The recipe as a however is very good and I would like to make it again.

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