Friday, September 18, 2015

Cleanliness in the Kitchen

Chef Ramsey might give you a pass on the cleanliness of our kitchens comparison to what he has experienced in restaurants around the world.

But when it comes to keeping the kitchen safe, we need to make sure that everything is wash down with hot (and I do mean hot) water and soap.

Raw poultry is especially a concern when cleaning up the cutting boards, knives and wiping down surfaces.

Where in your kitchen did you "slack off" with cleanliness after the last lab? Explain.


  1. I think I slacked off by cleaning the dishes because I was in a hurry to go to cheer. I got all of the chicken and icky stuff off, but I don't think I washed them thoroughly

  2. The water next to the sink on the counter missed wiping it up

  3. I believe that we could have maybe scrubbed a little harder at the dishes, but since we were only given a rag we may have not scrubbed as hard as we would have with a sponge.

    1. Unless you are disinfecting sponges daily they are terrible for harboring germs. But an SOS pad is a good scrubber and they are thrown out after use.

  4. Small amounts of dry ingredients like flour were left on the counter

  5. I believe I might have slacked off while washing the dishes. A couple of times, my partner and I were in a hurry to get done. Our dishes probably weren't to "Chef Ramsay's standards" on those days. On normal terms our dishes would have been washed the correct way.

  6. I think I took the bull by the horns and we did a great job with cleaning our kitchen.

  7. I think I took the bull by the horns and we did a great job with cleaning our kitchen.

  8. I feel that my kitchen did a good job in cleaning up our kitchen and making sure that everything is cleaned, especially after touching the raw chicken. If you noticed anything that I need to change while cleaning up I would like to hear it so that I know because of right now I feel that I am good.

    1. There were definitely groups that did better with this than some. I just wanted everyone to think about the importance of cleaning properly.

  9. I believe that I could have slacked off on cleaning the counters and definitely not cleaning the water up from behind the faucets.


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